Okay, so after NOT blogging for almost two weeks, today I decided to write two blogs! I thought about combining them into one entry but the nature of each made it easier for me to just write two separate ones. Anyway........I am writing to share that David and I celebrated our 33rd anniversary this weekend and what an amazing 33 years it has been! We met in the spring of my freshman year in college (he was a hotshot senior), but didn't really begin our "courtship" until early in my sophomore year. After that, we were pretty much inseparable.......sickening, I know. We got engaged at the beginning of my junior year and married the summer before my senior year. There have, of course, been times when each of us have questioned the sanity in marrying so young (and so broke), but I honestly believe that if we had the chance to do it all over again, we would have done the exact same thing! I remember our wedding day so clearly, especially the moment when his mother took me by the hands and said, "I hope that you will be as happy being Mrs. Clark as I have been." Isn't that the most beautiful sentiment? When our oldest son married two years ago, I shared the same wish with his bride, and I'm sure that I will share it with each of the other sons' brides on their respective wedding days. I can honestly say that although the road to 33 years hasn't been without its share of bumps, detours, and a few potholes, I can't imagine traveling it with any other man than David.

Yep, I'll take it! Bumps, detours, potholes, and all! I love this man....for better or for worse!