Another Christmas has come and gone. With great anticipation, the day arrived and all too quickly became history. I love Christmas.......the sights, the sounds, the smells, the last-minute preparations (I seem to ALWAYS have too many last-minutes), the celebrations, and most of all the time spent with family. From the time we were first married, David and I have spent every Christmas day with his family at one home or another--some years at our home, some at his parents', and some at other family members' homes. We begin the day at our home with our immediate family and then travel to the "host" home for lunch and fun. This year we travelled to the home of David's cousin and spent the day with a group of 26 (and that's our count with one family of four missing!) What a glorious blessing it is to celebrate the birthday of Jesus surrounded by our loved ones.
Another of our blessings of the season was having our beautiful daughter, Blair, come into town from New York and stay with us for a whole week. After spending almost a week with us at Thanksgiving, this was such a bonus! I remember when she first arrived, thinking how great it was that we had SO MUCH time to spend together, and now the day has come for her to go back.......and I'm just not ready. I admit; I'm never ready for her to leave. I always have more on my "to do" list that we didn't do, more that we didn't say, more that we just "didn't". I am filled with such a mix of emotions each time she leaves, but the most profound of them all is always a blend of pride and joy--pride in the woman that she has become and joy in knowing that she is living a life she loves and returning to a city she loves and people she loves. So as we leave her at the airport later today, I will cry just as I am now, but I have learned that my tears are just my way of saying, "Goodbye, my sweet girl; I'll be counting the days until we see you again." (And in the meantime, just keep on living your dream!--Oh, and remember who you are!)
Of course, this blog began almost five years ago as a way to celebrate and share Jonathon's recovery with friends and family so I would be remiss not to mention the blessings of his life and the joys we've experienced in watching his progress. He is truly a miracle, and we thank God every day for letting us keep him here with us and using his life as a testimony to others of God's grace and faithfulness. This past semester brought new challenges to Jonathon and forced us to make some painful decisions, but through it all we tried to remain focused on the blessings rather than the difficulties. We decided mid-semester that it was in Jonathon's best interest to withdraw and regroup, so with heavy hearts we moved him back home in October. We are in the process of working out arrangements for another type of therapy, called Cognitive Reorganizational Therapy, to teach him new ways to process and recall what he learns. We are hopeful that this new therapy will help him become more pro-active in identifying and expressing his educational needs to prevent feeling so overwhelmed with the workload. Additionally, we are working with his Vocational Rehabilitation counselor to gain approval for a reduced course load. If and when that all falls into place, Jonathon should be able to return to classes next fall. Please join us in praying for yet another hurdle to be jumped.
This is beginning to look and sound like a "Christmas" update letter so to continue along that path......Jeff moved out about two weeks after Jonathon moved home. As happy as I was (and am) for him to find his own place, I admit that it would be nice for him to be around for Jon's sake. I know that Jonathon gets lonely (and probably bored) being here with David and me most of the time. On the positive side, though, Jeff is really great about taking him over to his place to hang out. Just last week, he bought a new couch and announced that now Jon would have a place to sleep if he wanted to stay over! I'm confident that Jon will take him up on that offer. Jeff is a gem and extremely committed to Jonathon and to seeing him become all that God desires him to be. He clearly loves his twin brother and wants the very best for him. Jeff is a truly unique young man and a blessing to each of us every day.
And finally, in other Clark news.....we have been given the "green light" to share our newest (and smallest at the moment) blessing: Drumroll, please.......We will be welcoming another little Clark into the world next July! Taylor and Portia shared this most wonderful news with us at the beginning of November but asked us to wait to announce it for a few more weeks. For two excited and proud grandparents-to-be, that was a huge request, but we somehow managed to restrain ourselves and wait for the go-ahead. I waited for them to make their announcement at our Christmas family gathering before posting it here, but now I can no longer contain myself--I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMARY! SO EXCITED! God has once again blessed our family. Please join me in lifting Taylor, Portia, and their precious little gift in prayer during this new season of anticipation. Christmas Blessings to you and yours ~ Mary
Christmas Day 2009
(and baby makes eight!)