"Negligence is the rust of the soul that corrodes through all her best resolves." ~Owen Felltham (British author)
I've been negligent. I know it, I own it, and I hate myself for it. When this blog began in 2005, I was eager to share Jon's progress with anyone and everyone who wanted to know. During those early months, I chronicled his every accomplishment no matter how big (or small) as well as his setbacks, again no matter how big or small. My focus was purely to celebrate Jon's life and to praise God for the miracle He granted us in his survival and recovery. Why, then, have I been negligent? Have I become complacent? Have I allowed the day-to-day happenings in my life to overshadow the blessings? Am I just plain lazy??? Unfortunately, I think that laziness is part of the culprit, and even more unfortunately, I'm afraid that in some ways I HAVE become complacent which sickens me. I mean, God performed a miracle in Jon's life! Let me say that again, GOD PERFORMED A MIRACLE IN JON'S LIFE! I see this miracle every single day, and yet sometimes I act as if having him around is so NORMAL. There are other times, however, when I am overwhelmed at the magnitude of God's mercy and grace. I look at Jon and can almost physically see the fingerprints of God on him. Yesterday was one of those days. As I drove him to Athens to take the final for the online class he's been taking (a miracle in itself), I shared with him a story that my dear friend, Shelly, shared with me. She told me that her Bible Study has been studying Ephesians 3:20, "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us," and that the message is basically that we are to pray "Beyond the Beyond". She said that the leader asked if anyone in the class had ever witnessed a miracle, and when no one responded, she shared Jon's story. I was reminded again of the impact his miracle has had on so many. As I shared the story with him, he reached out to me and held my hand as I wept...I told him that no matter how many times I know I drive him crazy or how often he wants me to just leave him alone, I want him to know that I NEVER forget the miracle that he is. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the rear, but at the heart of the matter, I truly do KNOW how gracious God has been. So...at the end of the day, whether Jon does well on his final or not (I'm betting he did just fine), it doesn't really matter. We've got a perfect GPA (a.k.a. GOD'S PROVISION ABOUNDS) living under our roof!
I love this picture of "story time" with Jonathon and our sweet Carson.
(Now please, Lord, help me be better at sharing and celebrating Your goodness...Beyond the Beyond!) And PS - Thanks, too, to Rhonda S. for your reminder about faith and positive thinking!