I received a message yesterday from my precious niece, Beth, saying, "Hope you guys are having a good grandparents day!" Ha! I didn't even know it WAS Grandparents' Day! Every single day I get to spend with any or all of our three grandblessings is indeed GRAND! (And no, I didn't spend yesterday with any of them.)
When I saw this quote on Facebook the other day, however, I just had to share it because it embodies so much of what being a grandparent is like:
Being a GrandMary to our three (soon to be four) is definitely among the greatest blessings God has ever bestowed upon me, and I truly can't imagine not having any of them in my life. I absolutely love having sleepovers, making cookies, doing art projects, planting flowers, going to baseball, soccer, and football games (maybe one day, dance recitals or gymnastics meets) you name it--I love it any time it involves any of them! I'm one of those who truly believes that having them around keeps me young (okay, don't look too closely at the lines around my eyes).
Just take a look at these pics and you'll see why I consider these children of my children some of the best gifts that this life has to offer.
"Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.”
– Lois Wyse
I owe a HUGE "Thank You" to the mamas of these treasures! We wouldn't have these precious ones without you; never forget how very loved and appreciated you are.
Am I an obnoxious grandmother? I hope not, but when it comes to these precious ones, I certainly don't mind sharing my joy. If that's obnoxious, then I guess I am, but I don't see myself changing any time in the future!
“Grandchildren give us a second chance to do things better because they bring out the best in us.”
– Unknown