He is again living in the fraternity house, perhaps not the most ideal living arrangement for him, but one that works considering that it is necessary for him to live on campus for his transportation needs. Like last year, transportation services picks him up at the house for each of his classes and drops him back there after each class (or wherever on campus he needs to go such as the dining hall or other campus building). It is really a wonderful service. Surprisingly (to me anyway), I no longer worry each day if he is "where he's supposed to be" or whether he's done his homework. I have learned that I have to back off and trust that he is capable of returning to college and making it on his own there. After all, God brought him this far; why would I doubt now that He would simply abandon Jonathon? As Jonathon himself reminds us, he is quite able to do for himself and no longer needs our constant "hovering". (That is definitely easier said than done!) Will I ever stop worrying? "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." ~ Philippians 4:6
So along with classes goes the REAL reason Jonathon loves being back on campus.......his beloved Bulldogs! Although this past Saturday was a bit of a disappointment (that's definitely an understatement), there is nowhere else besides
Athens, Georgia, he'd rather be on a Saturday in the fall. He even made it out to the quad to catch a picture with Jeff in front of the College GameDay bus last weekend! Obviously, this was taken BEFORE the game.......note the smiles on their faces! Ah well, the Dawgs will get a break this weekend, and Jonathon can come home for some much needed rest. The following weekend the Vols roll into town, and THAT, my friends, is another story!

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