Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

My 2008 list of "thankful fors":

  • a God who knows my name and loves me unconditionally
  • my husband of more than 32 years who loves me because of who I am (and often in spite of it)
  • my three amazing sons who honor me and bring me joy every day
  • my three beautiful daughters who each bless me in her own unique way--one I was blessed to have given birth to and of whom I am immensely proud, one who blessed us by loving our son and becoming his wife, and one who became family to us after the Lord called her mother home this year
  • my brothers and their families as well as David's sisters, brother-in-law, and nephews who have stood by us through our highs and our lows and have given us so many beautiful memories
  • my friends who keep me grounded in my faith and who are always there to lend a hand, a shoulder, or simply an ear
  • Jonathon's continued progress and constant gratitude for the miracles God has granted him
  • the song in my heart and the hope I carry within me.

As I review my list, I am struck by how short it seems, but I realize, too, that there is really no way for me to adequately express my gratitude for all that I am and all that I have in this life. By the grace of God, we have celebrated another Thanksgiving, and by His grace alone will we do it all again next year. Thank you, Lord, for the joys AND the sorrows. We are grateful for the journey.

Happy Thanksgiving!
How blessed we are.

The Clark side of my gratitude list

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