I'm not very good at keeping secrets, although I admit I've been keeping one for about a month now. To catch a glimpse of what I've been "hiding", check out the video below:
In case you couldn't quite figure out the tune, Jonathon is playing "Little Brown Jug", the VERY first thing he learned to play on the guitar, compliments of his grandfather, Big Hal (my dad). That song was the beginning of Jonathon's interest in learning to play, so it seems fitting that it would be one of the first he would re-learn. He played this along with a few other "teasers" on Christmas night for us and promises that he will continue to work on regaining this very special gift he has. I am amazed that even though it's been almost four years, God is STILL answering our prayers forJonathon. It makes me think of Hebrews 11:18 where we learn that "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."
We have no idea where God is leading any of us, but by faith we desire to go where He wants us to be! With the progress Jonathon has made, how could any of us doubt God's plans and desires for us?