I'm posting a picture of the tree in Jonathon's room, one that was first decorated in 2005, the year he moved into his "new" room. At that time, we decided that a Georgia (as in UGA) tree would be appropriate since the theme of the entire room was red, black, and definitely Bulldog! As I put the tree up this year, I couldn't help but be amazed that this is the FOURTH year that I've been able to do this! I continue to be amazed at just how far we've all traveled in Jonathon's recovery--Jonathon, of course, most of all. His endurance, determination, and spirit are a constant source of wonder for me. I often ask myself if I had been faced with the same challenges as he has whether I would have risen to them as he so consistently has. I'd like to think I would, but I often think that I wouldn't have had the strength. (I AM old, after all! Haha!) I try hard not to dwell on the past, and for the most part I think I do a pretty good job, but I know without a doubt that the past few years have totally shaped our present. Although our lives have returned to a degree of normalcy, none of us will ever view "normal" in the same way again. Just last night, in fact, David anwered the phone, and when I heard him respond to the caller with "Yes, we're Jonathon Clark's parents", I literally felt myself struggling to breathe. Jonathon didn't come home this past weekend, so I feared that this was some sort of notification call. Crazy, isn't it? David was doing his best to give me signals to let me know everything was okay, but by the time the call ended I was crying like a baby! Talk about coming unglued! (And the truth is........it was merely someone soliciting funds for UGA!) Ah well, I guess that as tough as we try to be, a mama's heart is a fragile thing.
On a lighter note, I'm including some other photos of Jonathon's UGA room. Is it any wonder that when he's home, we have to pry him out of his "Dawg" house? Yeah, he really has it rough.........or should that be "ruff"?
Complete with the "G"
And a place for some Dawg talk....
As well as some Dawg food.....

(yes, those are signed photos of Vince Dooley and
Mark Richt on the wall as well as one of the team!)

And definitely a place for a Dawg to rest!

Great is Thy faithfulness,Great is Thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see:
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!
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