Telling ourselves that it would be great exercise, we broke down and bought a Wii........that's right, WE now own a Wii! What we didn't tell ourselves was how utterly ridiculous we would feel trying to play the darn thing! I mean, I can't even coordinate swinging my arm and releasing a button at the same time, and my sweet hubby isn't much better! Admittedly, the only game he and I have even attempted was bowling but so far, things aren't looking so good! We are definitely challenged in the eye-hand coordination area where the Wii is concerned. Do you think our age could possibly have anything to do with it?
Can't wait 'til we try out the Wii Fit, but the image in my head sure isn't pretty! I want to tackle the Yoga; however, I suspect that the yoga will tackle me! Truthfully, we are hopeful that it will not only be a fun way for us to get some exercise, it will be therapeutic for Jon as well. I truly believe that the movement, coordination, and stimulation he can get will be an overall benefit and won't feel so much like a therapy session. What I think I want most of all is for the family to have fun doing it together!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Weekend Update
Not exactly the SNL version, but here's a little update of last weekend with Jon:
PS--This one's for you, Kelly! Thanks for reminding me that I need to make the time to record our history.....
- We drove to Athens on Saturday afternoon to attend his fraternity's parent's weekend.
- The three of us (David, Jon, and myself) had a FABULOUS dinner at a local Japanese restaurant--one of Jon's favorites. Coincidentally (I think not!) I sat next to a physical therapist from a neighboring town who was amazed at Jonathon's progress after hearing his story.
- After dinner, we were THE FIRST arrivals at the band party. (Oh yay!) After chatting with the band members (which included taking promotional pictures of them) AND the bartenders AND the venue security AND the representative from the local police force (who, by the way, also does specialty cakes and photographs special events), the second set of parents arrived with their son followed soon (thankfully) by the rest of the fraternity! Seriously, we waited at least half an hour for the rest of the crowd to show up and get the party started!
- We had a ball dancing the (rest of the) night away. For those of you who might wonder, let me just say that Jonny-Boy's still got it! He loves to dance, and can truly hold his own on the dance floor, even managing a few dips and twirls! (Perhaps I shouldn't mention the part where I took his cane and used it in my own solo-dance.........nah, I'll skip that part! Haha!)
- On Sunday, we joined the rest of the fraternity for lunch at the Fiji house. It was a beautiful day with wonderful food and delightful company! Although this will likely be the last time we attend a parent's weekend, it will certainly not be soon forgotten. The young men in his fraternity are a wonderful group of men, and I am proud that Jon has been associated with them.
- As always, it was difficult to leave. Jon has made so much progress and come so far, I still have a hard time stepping back and letting time march on. Perhaps it's just because I'm finally in a place where I can truly appreciate what "time" really means. Time is such a gift, and the older I get the more I recognize that.
PS--This one's for you, Kelly! Thanks for reminding me that I need to make the time to record our history.....
David with Jon

Me with Jon
Sort of like being on vacation where you take turns
taking each other's picture!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday Woes...or Should I say Wows?
Today was a rarity..........rare in that I didn't talk to Jonathon even ONCE all day! To most moms with college-age children, that's probably more "the norm", but for me it's pretty unusual for a day to pass without even a text! Even more amazing is that it didn't really hit me until just a little while ago that I hadn't heard from him--does that make me sad? Maybe a litte........but in a bigger way, it makes me truly happy. Happy because I believe that it means he has had a good day. I worry sometimes (okay a lot) that he is lonely at school, but not hearing from him makes me think that he is just too busy to bother with me! And isn't that how most college students deal with their parents?
Remember when David made a sign for Jon's room that read N-O-R-M-A-L? That was the goal all along.......for some degree of normalcy to return to his life. So now, instead of worrying that I don't hear from him for a day, I'll celebrate NORMAL, knowing that there are plenty of other moms with kids away at school who didn't hear from theirs today (or yesterday for that matter). Yay, for normalcy! (Now, Jonathon, if you're reading this, "CALL YOUR MOTHER!" )
"He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young..." ~ Deuteronomy 32: 10-11
Remember when David made a sign for Jon's room that read N-O-R-M-A-L? That was the goal all along.......for some degree of normalcy to return to his life. So now, instead of worrying that I don't hear from him for a day, I'll celebrate NORMAL, knowing that there are plenty of other moms with kids away at school who didn't hear from theirs today (or yesterday for that matter). Yay, for normalcy! (Now, Jonathon, if you're reading this, "CALL YOUR MOTHER!" )
"He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young..." ~ Deuteronomy 32: 10-11
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday Morning Mumblings
It's now a little after 10:00 in the morning, and I'm embarrassed to admit that I have been out of bed for exactly 39 minutes! That is just crazy to me! Could it be the rain outside, the allergies that are making my throat feel like sandpaper, or the fact that I'm just lazy??? I'd rather go with the rain theory.......somehow labeling oneself as lazy just doesn't have that "feel good" effect--hmmmm. (Or, could it possibly be that I just needed the rest?--Actually, I'd rather go with that idea!) Anyway, it IS the beginning of another work-week for most of the Clarks, another school week for Jonathon, and another week of gratitude for life in general. It is a VERY dreary day outside, but hey, haven't we all learned that you gotta have a little rain before the sun shines through? Thank you, Lord, for sunshine AND rain! (Now, could we have a little more sunshine, please?)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Four Years? FOUR YEARS!
Today marked the fourth year since Jonathon's aneurysm--that's right, FOUR years! I guess to some it might seem a bit macabre to continue to mark each year, but to us, it merely marks another year of gratitude to our faithful and merciful God. To us, it is reason to celebrate all the blessings we have shared as a family. We have witnessed miracles, and we are forever grateful.
As a spring break treat, we took Jonathon to New York City for a few days. We left Atlanta on Saturday morning and returned on Tuesday evening and packed about as much of the "city that never sleeps" in between. We had been pondering the trip for a while and finally decided that he was strong enough to tackle it. Any of the fears or concerns that we had leading up to the trip dissipated pretty quickly upon arrival. As I said, we flew up on Saturday morning, and because the weather was so beautiful, we decided to spend the afternoon in Central Park. We must have walked for at least four or five miles, taking short breaks only when needed, and we only covered the east side of the park! What's so amazing is that Jonathon took every step we did! He was such a trooper; I couldn't have been more proud of him. Yes, he was exhausted at night, but so were we!!
The next two days were more of the same--walking, walking, walking (with even a few rides on New York's infamous subway system) as we visited the Museum of Natural History, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, Radio City Music Hall, Ground Zero, and Battery Park (and everything in between!) When I stop to think of how strong Jonathon has become, I am truly amazed. God has been so faithful to give him a future--He has never forsaken His promise.
The day after we returned from New York, Jonathon visited Pathways, the outpatient facility where he received his therapies. We had lunch with the mother of a current patient there so that Jonathon could offer her encouragement in her son's recovery. He shared with her some of his highs and lows, and at one point she paused and looked at Jonathon to ask, "Are you happy?" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh yes, ma'am, I really am." To know that my son is happy is worth all that the past four years brought. For him to be able to encourage another walking a similar path to his is such a gift. And THAT, my friends, is why we continue to celebrate! God IS good........ALL the time!
As a spring break treat, we took Jonathon to New York City for a few days. We left Atlanta on Saturday morning and returned on Tuesday evening and packed about as much of the "city that never sleeps" in between. We had been pondering the trip for a while and finally decided that he was strong enough to tackle it. Any of the fears or concerns that we had leading up to the trip dissipated pretty quickly upon arrival. As I said, we flew up on Saturday morning, and because the weather was so beautiful, we decided to spend the afternoon in Central Park. We must have walked for at least four or five miles, taking short breaks only when needed, and we only covered the east side of the park! What's so amazing is that Jonathon took every step we did! He was such a trooper; I couldn't have been more proud of him. Yes, he was exhausted at night, but so were we!!
The next two days were more of the same--walking, walking, walking (with even a few rides on New York's infamous subway system) as we visited the Museum of Natural History, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, Radio City Music Hall, Ground Zero, and Battery Park (and everything in between!) When I stop to think of how strong Jonathon has become, I am truly amazed. God has been so faithful to give him a future--He has never forsaken His promise.
The day after we returned from New York, Jonathon visited Pathways, the outpatient facility where he received his therapies. We had lunch with the mother of a current patient there so that Jonathon could offer her encouragement in her son's recovery. He shared with her some of his highs and lows, and at one point she paused and looked at Jonathon to ask, "Are you happy?" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh yes, ma'am, I really am." To know that my son is happy is worth all that the past four years brought. For him to be able to encourage another walking a similar path to his is such a gift. And THAT, my friends, is why we continue to celebrate! God IS good........ALL the time!

Check out my guys checking out Grand Central!
Aren't they good-looking?
And a trip to New York City wouldn't be complete
without a visit to Radio City Music Hall!
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