Today marked the fourth year since Jonathon's aneurysm--that's right, FOUR years! I guess to some it might seem a bit macabre to continue to mark each year, but to us, it merely marks another year of gratitude to our faithful and merciful God. To us, it is reason to celebrate all the blessings we have shared as a family. We have witnessed miracles, and we are forever grateful.
As a spring break treat, we took Jonathon to New York City for a few days. We left Atlanta on Saturday morning and returned on Tuesday evening and packed about as much of the "city that never sleeps" in between. We had been pondering the trip for a while and finally decided that he was strong enough to tackle it. Any of the fears or concerns that we had leading up to the trip dissipated pretty quickly upon arrival. As I said, we flew up on Saturday morning, and because the weather was so beautiful, we decided to spend the afternoon in Central Park. We must have walked for at least four or five miles, taking short breaks only when needed, and we only covered the east side of the park! What's so amazing is that Jonathon took every step we did! He was such a trooper; I couldn't have been more proud of him. Yes, he was exhausted at night, but so were we!!
The next two days were more of the same--walking, walking, walking (with even a few rides on New York's infamous subway system) as we visited the Museum of Natural History, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, Radio City Music Hall, Ground Zero, and Battery Park (and everything in between!) When I stop to think of how strong Jonathon has become, I am truly amazed. God has been so faithful to give him a future--He has never forsaken His promise.
The day after we returned from New York, Jonathon visited Pathways, the outpatient facility where he received his therapies. We had lunch with the mother of a current patient there so that Jonathon could offer her encouragement in her son's recovery. He shared with her some of his highs and lows, and at one point she paused and looked at Jonathon to ask, "Are you happy?" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh yes, ma'am, I really am." To know that my son is happy is worth all that the past four years brought. For him to be able to encourage another walking a similar path to his is such a gift. And THAT, my friends, is why we continue to celebrate! God IS good........ALL the time!
As a spring break treat, we took Jonathon to New York City for a few days. We left Atlanta on Saturday morning and returned on Tuesday evening and packed about as much of the "city that never sleeps" in between. We had been pondering the trip for a while and finally decided that he was strong enough to tackle it. Any of the fears or concerns that we had leading up to the trip dissipated pretty quickly upon arrival. As I said, we flew up on Saturday morning, and because the weather was so beautiful, we decided to spend the afternoon in Central Park. We must have walked for at least four or five miles, taking short breaks only when needed, and we only covered the east side of the park! What's so amazing is that Jonathon took every step we did! He was such a trooper; I couldn't have been more proud of him. Yes, he was exhausted at night, but so were we!!
The next two days were more of the same--walking, walking, walking (with even a few rides on New York's infamous subway system) as we visited the Museum of Natural History, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, Radio City Music Hall, Ground Zero, and Battery Park (and everything in between!) When I stop to think of how strong Jonathon has become, I am truly amazed. God has been so faithful to give him a future--He has never forsaken His promise.
The day after we returned from New York, Jonathon visited Pathways, the outpatient facility where he received his therapies. We had lunch with the mother of a current patient there so that Jonathon could offer her encouragement in her son's recovery. He shared with her some of his highs and lows, and at one point she paused and looked at Jonathon to ask, "Are you happy?" Without missing a beat, he said, "Oh yes, ma'am, I really am." To know that my son is happy is worth all that the past four years brought. For him to be able to encourage another walking a similar path to his is such a gift. And THAT, my friends, is why we continue to celebrate! God IS good........ALL the time!

Check out my guys checking out Grand Central!
Aren't they good-looking?
And a trip to New York City wouldn't be complete
without a visit to Radio City Music Hall!
1 comment:
Sounds like the NYC trip was fantastic!!
I think it's awesome that Jon shares of his time and testimony.
Kelly M
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