After watching our oldest grandchild's baseball game last Saturday, I heard a sweet little voice calling, "GrandMary! GrandMary!" Not recognizing the voice, I turned to see one of the players running toward me and thought, "I have no idea who this child is! Why is he calling me GrandMary?" And even more puzzling, "How could I possibly have a grandchild I don't know???" Welp (as my daughter would say), he ran right past me into the

I must say that during my daughter-in-love's pregnancy when I announced that I wanted to be called "GrandMary", I was met with a few "Ahh, that's cool", knowing that what was really being said was, "Seriously? You expect a child to be able to say that mouthful?" A few, including some of my own children (who shall remain nameless) weren't so subtle in their comments, "Mom, they'll never be able to say that! There's no telling what you'll end up being called!" Well, I stood my ground, and GrandMary I am! Admittedly, the first attempts of each of my three little blessings sounded more like "Gwan Maaa", but they kept trying (and I kept encouraging), and here we are! I thought that hearing my own children say "Ma-ma" was positively the sweetest thing I'd ever heard, and I'm sure at the time it was, but hearing the children of my children call me "GrandMary" is the cherry on top of the Mama cake!
To those who are grandmothers: whether your grandblessings call you Memaw, Mamaw (I called one of my grandmothers that), Buvver or Bubba (the first sounds a lot like the second but with a "v", especially when your grandmother is from south Georgia as mine was and yes, that's what we called her), Nana, Grandma, Mimi, Grandmother, Gigi, Deedee, Doogee (yes, I know one of those), Birdie (know one of those, too), Emme or EE (know one of each), Nanoo (my aunt's grandchildren called her that), GDawg (don't know one of those, but you never know), or Hey You, the name doesn't really matter, does it? The fact that the Lord blessed us not only with our own children, but that He blessed us again with grandchildren, is a miracle beyond comprehension. I feel so fortunate to be able to enjoy being a grandmother, even though I'm sure all of us would agree that we aren't NEARLY old enough to be one!
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy; we never know what tomorrow will bring, so take the time to send a card, call, Skype, FaceTime, and whenever possible, see your precious blessings. I do, and I cherish each and every opportunity I have to do so. They are indeed "good and perfect gifts from above."

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." ~James 1:17
1 comment:
Mary, I have always cherished our friendship since our Awtrey days so thankful we can stay connected through FB, Blogs and Jesus Christ. Love you girlie, Stephanye
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