If you answered, “No”, then I’m willing to bet that you are experiencing some of those thoughts now, and if you answered, “Yes”, then I’m equally willing to bet those thoughts have recently re-entered your mind. We are all living in a time of uncertainty. We don’t know how far this new style of daily living will take us, how long it will take, and when we will “get there”, wherever “there” is.
For our family, this isn’t really new territory; I mean, yes, the COVID-19 situation is new to all of us, but the wondering how long or how far a journey will take us isn’t new at all. There have been times when we had no idea what the outcome of a situation would be, but we ALWAYS knew who was in control of that situation! Almost exactly 15 years ago (March 12, 2005), we entered one of the most difficult and faith-testing times we had ever known when one of our twin sons experienced a ruptured brain aneurysm, causing damage that even the most skilled surgeons in Atlanta doubted he would recover from. Although the prognosis was bleak, we knew that God was with us, and that He alone knew the outcome. The circumstances were totally beyond our control. I admit that after the initial shock and fear were over, we went through a period of serious questioning – particularly how could this happen, and why did it happen? Haven’t we all asked that of the current COVID-19 pandemic? At least in some form or another?
In that period of unrest in 2005, we turned as a family to Lamentations for answers. If anyone understood what lamenting was, we did. Our family wasn’t suffering because of disobedience to the Lord (at least I pray not) as the people of Jerusalem were, but we were definitely suffering. In seeking comfort and hope in the situation, we found it in Lamentations 3: 55-57:
I called on your name, LORD, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: “Do not close your ears to my cry for relief.” You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”
Because of the assurance from God that even when we are in the depths of despair, He is always near. We didn’t understand what was happening, but we had faith that God knew everything and that He heard our cries. Isn’t it amazing, too, that even though he is not named as the scribe for the book of Lamentations, many scholars believe it to be Jeremiah? And isn’t it wonderful that Jeremiah provided another verse for us to cling to during that dark time and in these?
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
We wholly believed that God heard our cries, and we had the confidence in Him to trust Him with our son’s future, no matter what that meant. Shouldn’t we all be clinging to that kind of faith right now? I’ve seen dark times, and I’ve seen beautiful sunlit days, and through them all, I pray that I ALWAYS find the Lord in them.
So on this journey through COVID-19, let’s all lean in and trust that even when we don’t have a roadmap or GPS, God is in the driver’s seat. When we are tempted to ask the same questions my children asked when they were young, “How much farther?” and “Are we there yet?” let’s do our best to sit back, look out the windows, and enjoy the ride!
Trust God; He’s an exceptional navigator, and He knows exactly where we’re going and when we’ll get there!
Our son, Jon, and his amazing wife, Zuly God keeps His promises! |
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