Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday Woes...or Should I say Wows?

Today was a rarity..........rare in that I didn't talk to Jonathon even ONCE all day! To most moms with college-age children, that's probably more "the norm", but for me it's pretty unusual for a day to pass without even a text! Even more amazing is that it didn't really hit me until just a little while ago that I hadn't heard from him--does that make me sad? Maybe a litte........but in a bigger way, it makes me truly happy. Happy because I believe that it means he has had a good day. I worry sometimes (okay a lot) that he is lonely at school, but not hearing from him makes me think that he is just too busy to bother with me! And isn't that how most college students deal with their parents?

Remember when David made a sign for Jon's room that read N-O-R-M-A-L? That was the goal all along.......for some degree of normalcy to return to his life. So now, instead of worrying that I don't hear from him for a day, I'll celebrate NORMAL, knowing that there are plenty of other moms with kids away at school who didn't hear from theirs today (or yesterday for that matter). Yay, for normalcy! (Now, Jonathon, if you're reading this, "CALL YOUR MOTHER!" )

"He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young..." ~ Deuteronomy 32: 10-11

1 comment:

KelMel said...

I'm going to celebrate that normalcy with you, Mary. Knowing Jon, he had himself a busy day and that was that. Of course, I also reiterate your request for him to call his mother. I still talk to my mom at least once a day. On the rare days I don't get to talk to her, I feel a little sad.

By the way, I'm going to send you that new Kingsbury book to borrow when I'm done. Hopefully I will finish it up over the weekend. I'll keep you posted.