A friend just sent me an email that I've received and read before, but today it took on a whole new meaning for me. It's the one about the little boy who wets his pants in school and is terrified of the ridicule he is sure to receive, but who is "rescued" at the last minute by a little girl in his class who "trips" as she carries the goldfish bowl and spills water from it into the little boy's lap. At the end of the day, the little boy asks her if she did it on purpose and she tells him that she, too, wet her pants once in school. The final message is to remind us to seize every opportunity to do good.
Well, last weekend we saw several examples of people who seized the opportunity to "do good". Jonathon and I traveled to Columbia, South Carolina, to visit my brother and attend the South Carolina/LSU game.......yes, Jonathon cheered for a team OTHER than the Bulldogs (remember, he's a family man FIRST). Prior to the game, we tailgated with my nephew's fraternity, and I was definitely impressed with the reception Jonathon got from the group. They chatted with him and welcomed him in a true southern manner. My nephew had arranged for one of their associates (a.k.a. pledge) to drive us to the stadium before the game which minimized the amount of walking Jonathon would have to do. We were then allowed to ride the elevator with him to the upper deck where our seats were located (yeah, I think my brother was impressed!) When we decided to leave in the 3rd quarter, we planned to walk back to my brother's truck, but a guardian angel offered his services (in a "stretch" golf cart) and drove us right to my brother's truck! At first he said he'd get us as close as he could, but in the end drove us within a few feet of where we needed to be! Talk about seizing the opportunity!
We have been blessed so many times by those who have seized the opportunity to do good. Every time I see someone offer their assistance to Jonathon (when not doing so would have been so much easier), I am reminded of the story of the little girl who purposefully spills water in her classmate's lap. We each have opportunities every day to make another feel less conspicuous........do we always take advantage of those opportunities? I doubt it. In Columbia, South Carolina, however, we were honored to be part of a small group of individuals who determined that spilling a little water in his lap might just make him feel that much more accepted. Bulldogs? Gamecocks? Does it really matter? Not when we choose to do good......Thank God for those who seize the opportunity!