Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Packing and Planning

We've been busy packing tonight for a little NYC weekend getaway and let me just say it now, we are beyond excited! We began making plans before Christmas and when we both realized that we had next Monday off for President's Day, this seemed like the perfect time to go. Of course, the decision was made easier with the fact that tomorrow is our daughter's birthday--something we wouldn't have been able to celebrate with her without making a trip to the Big Apple. We aren't exactly thrilled at the forecast of 12-18 inches of snow in NYC tomorrow, but hopefully by Thursday when we leave Atlanta, we will be able to arrive there safely. We have tickets to see "Wicked" on Friday night so needlesss to say, we are pumped about that. We also have plans to visit the Empire State Building (amazing that we haven't ever done that) as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art. On Saturday night, we will meet some of our daughter's friends at a little birthday soiree in the East Village. It's so wonderful that our children are now old enough to view us as suitable guests at their parties! (To think of all the fun we've missed over the years! Or maybe it's all the fun THEY'VE missed?) At any rate, we're excited. Sunday, of course, is Valentine's Day, and the plan is for our two favorite guys to prepare dinner for my daughter and me. Who knows? Maybe the next top chef will be right in the East Village of New York!

Coupled with the excitement of our trip is that next Monday we should learn the gender of our grandbaby! It's crazy to me that halfway through the pregnancy you can learn whether to "think pink" or "do blue". I know this--no matter what the sex of the baby is, it will be one well-loved baby! Of course, determining the gender depends largely on how cooperative the little munchkin is during the sonogram. Guess we'll have to wait and see......Stay tuned on that one!

Now for a little random enjoyment: http://tinyurl.com/ygn8akb . Get ready for Wednesday! Happy Birthday, B!