Saturday, May 9, 2020

Walking in Uncomfortable Shoes

Pandemic, Coronivirus, COVID-19, shelter-in-place, social distancing…the “I’m tired of hearing this” list goes on. Somewhere between the middle of March and today, however, these have become all-too-familiar terms, and will likely be part of our vocabulary for quite some time to come, I fear.  Actually, fear is probably not the correct term, but whatever you call it, I’m pretty sure they’re each here to stay for a while.

As part of the 65 and over age group, I feel more isolated than ever from my loved ones. My arms ache to hold each of them - children, grandchildren, friends, family, even a few of my co-workers! Haha! There is a longing within me that won’t be eased until the day when I can wrap my arms around each of them. You can bet I'm praying that day comes soon!

Over the past few weeks, I’ve read so many exchanges on social media between various groups in our community about what we should or shouldn’t be doing, and I am terribly disturbed. While I whole-heartedly agree that we cannot continue to stay on lockdown, I believe that each of us has a moral responsibility to do what we can to protect others, and if that means maintaining six-foot distancing, wearing face masks and gloves in public, and limiting travel, then that’s what we – David and I – will continue to do. Those who refuse to observe those basic guidelines are putting the rest of us at risk, and the selfish message that their disregard is sending is mind-boggling! I don’t even pretend to know all that is happening, but my parents raised me to respect others and to always put myself in another’s shoes, even if those shoes are uncomfortable. What a blessing to have been taught that perspective!

Because of my upbringing, I cannot in good conscience ignore those who have been impacted by this pandemic either financially, emotionally, physically, or sadly, through the loss of a loved one. Yes, we've all been impacted in some way, and pretending that we haven't is just absurd, and quite frankly, a bit disgusting. Looking the other way just isn’t in my DNA, and I will do whatever I can for as long as I can to protect my loved ones as well as yours. Won't you try on another's shoes - at least for a while?

PS - My guess is that if you read this, you're already doing your part. I just needed to vent after reading some really troubling social exchanges!