Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Great is Our God

AMAZING - my one word description of Jon's Walk to Emmaus weekend. God revealed Himself in such a beautiful way; Jon returned refreshed, renewed, and reaffirmed in the knowledge that God has a very special purpose and plan for his life. We are so blessed that he had this wonderful opportunity. Thank you to those who encouraged us, and to the Lord for working out all the details. You alone are God!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Timing is Everything

When the stars line up
And you catch a break
People think you're lucky
But you know its grace

It can happen so fast
Or a little bit late
Timing is everything

You know I've had close calls
When it could've been me
I was young when I learned just how fragile life can be
I lost friends of mine
I guess it wasn't my time
Timing is everything

And I could've been the child that God took home,
And I would've been one more unfinished song

~from "Timing is Everything" written by Natalie Hemby and
Troy Jones (Country Strong soundtrack)

The past few years of Jonathon's life seem to have been so much about timing--the last-minute timing of his decision to serve as a young adult chaperone at our church's Sharp Top youth retreat, the perfect timing of "Dr. Don" to also serve on that trip and ultimately make a critical assessment of Jonathon's situation, the quick timing of the Lifeflight helicopter in getting him to Grady, the precise timing of the surgeons in finding and clipping the aneurysm to hinder even further damage--all of which were part of the miracle we've realized in God's always flawless timing.

This weekend we are experiencing yet another example of God's amazing timing as Jonathon participates in Walk to Emmaus, something that we hadn't even considered until a couple of weeks ago, although David and I had attended similar walks several years ago. The opportunity presented itself through casual conversation with another church member who, knowing Jon's story, suggested that we think about sending him on this spiritual retreat as a way of affirming God's wondrous love for him and reminding him that God has a very special plan for his life. As many already know, Jon has returned home after a difficult semester at UGA and is struggling with the direction to follow in fulfilling his purpose. Although he will likely not return to UGA, he is not sure if it is time to give up on the college path, or if God is simply calling him to re-direct his focus. On one level, he knows that God spared him for a very real purpose but on another level, he is anxious to learn what that purpose is. I think we can all relate to that, can't we? We want so desperately to answer God's call, but we fear that we won't hear it.

We presented the idea to Jon and asked him to pray about whether attending the retreat was something he wanted to do, and the very next day he told us that he very much wanted to go and was excited about the opportunity. At first we worried that we had waited too long to get him in to this particular weekend and that perhaps he would be asked to wait until the next one, but something inside me (a Divine whisper?) kept telling me that this was the weekend God was calling him to attend. Although the quota for our church had already been filled, there was still room at the retreat for a few more participants. By the grace of God and after much prayer, we received confirmation for his attendance to this weekend's retreat. We drove him to the retreat center last night and from the moment we arrived, I can honestly say that I felt such peace and assurance that God had indeed called Jonathon to be there at THIS precise time. Within a very short time of our arrival, several of the individuals we met shared with us that they, too, had been at Sharp Top when Jon collapsed and had watched the miracle of his recovery unfold. Even though it has now been almost six years since this part of our life journey began--the "after the aneurysm" part, I am still so grateful to hear from those who were actually with him on that day. My heart still aches at not being there with him, but I am overwhelmed with gratitude toward those who were there to comfort and care for him. We were even approached by people who had simply heard Jon's story and were excited to have him on the Walk. As we drove home, I reflected a bit on Queen Esther's role in delivering the Jewish nation as Mordecai prophesied in saying, "Who knows but that you have been called...for such a time as this?" I also recalled something I shared in a much earlier post about a quote Jon uses which is, "God's timing isn't always our timing, but it's always perfect timing." I'm not saying that I think that Jonathon has a royal calling other than to the Kingdom of Heaven, but knowing that he is surrounded this weekend by those who know him and his story, who love him, and more importantly who love the Lord, gives me such peace and such confidence that his journey until now has led him to "such a time as this", and that Jonathon will return to us renewed in the spirit and eager to embrace all that God has planned for his life. Praise be to God, the Master timekeeper.