Monday, November 7, 2022

Goodbyes, Hellos, and Giving the Glory

 A couple of weeks ago, a friend expressed a need for a wheelchair stating that the individual in need couldn't afford a chair. After more than 17 years of storing Jon's custom-built chair in our garage, this was our perfect opportunity to help someone!

When you go through a situation like we did with Jon and have incredible insurance, you realize quickly that not everyone has the same opportunity! There was a time, for example, when our insurance approved a standing frame for Jon, a very expensive and often not covered piece of equipment, but as soon as he no longer needed it, we passed it on to another Shepherd outpatient.

Thus, the picture you see is of a much-needed friend at a time, but happy-to-let-go assistive device when we learned of someone else's need. 

Isn't that how God takes care of us? He knows our needs before we do, and He prepares the way for us. Would we have ever imagined Jon would need a wheelchair? Nope, but our all-knowing God knew and He made the way for another family in need. How Great is our God?

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